Francesca, 40 years old, child psychotherapist. “I will give my vote to “Più Europa” or “Potere al Popolo” because they are the two parties closest to the people needs.”
Paolo, 69 years old, university teacher. “I have always voted left-wing parties, but for the moment I don’ t know which party to give my vote to. Certainly I’ll vote for those who give importance to ius soli and to LGBT rights.”
Emanuela, 30 years old, primary teacher. “Today voting can be considered an act of faith, it’s like believing in God without the proof of his existence. At the moment only the Five Star Movement convinces me.”
Mario, 46 years old, tattoo artist. “Anarchy.”
Antonia, 36 years old, optometrist optic. “I will go to vote because it’s my right, but for sure I’ll invalid my ballot paper because I don’t trust any of the candidates.”
Fabrizio, 33 years old, graphic designer. “I’ll invalid my ballot paper. Voting is a right, but today there are no valid choices.”
Maria Assunta, 24 years old, university student of linguistic and cultural mediation. “I will not vote because there aren’t candidates able to govern this country.”
Giovanni, 82 years old, pensioner. “My electoral card has expired and I don’t want to renew it. I’ve always been a communist.”
Sabrina, 42 years old, mother. “I’m uncertain whether to give my vote to “Popere al Popolo” or to “Liberi e Uguali”, because they are the only two parties that preserve some of the left principles.”
Antonio, 79 years old, sacristan. “I have always voted left-wing parties, but I haven’t voted for three elections.”
Laura, 37 years old, football trainer. “I don’t have a well defined political ideology, but for sure I will not vote right-wing parties.”
Strato, 65 years old, barman. “I will vote for the Five Star movement. At least the old political parties will no longer steal and the new ones will do it.”
Michela, 42 years old, nutritionist. “I know very well who I don’t have to vote for, but I’m confused about who vote for. Being sensitive to health and prevention issues, I have a different approach to politics.”
Fabio, 41 years old, anti-racist activist. “I will not vote for anyone because there are no candidates who work seriously about the immigration issue.”
Anna Chiara, 26 years old, waitress. “I follow carefully the campaign of Potere al Popolo.”
Claudio, 32 years old, financial advisor. “At the moment I have no preference and I am not inclined to vote for the least-worst.”
Ines, 23 years old, bartender. “I will give my vote to “Potere al Popolo” because is the only party that gives importance to young people.”
Diego, 40 years old, barman. “I do not know yet who I vote for.”